Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013-2014 Homeschool Curriculum

I was looking back on last years Curriculum post and realized we didn't quite do what I planned last August. While our core curriculum choice has not changed, many of the supplementary things I mentioned didn't get used very often, if at all. Additionally, being on The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew we had the opportunity to try out quite a few different things, some of which we have continued using, others we have put aside. There are some that I am planning on returning to for this year because I really did like them, I just couldn't fit them in with all we were doing. So, are you curious about what we have found that works for us?

As I mentioned, our core curriculum has not changed.  I love the way My Father's World Kindergarten is organized. It definitely seems to fit my teaching style and the hands on learning has been working well with the children. Each unit revolves around a letter so I have been able to do Letter of the Week with Hannah. Each unit has us focusing on a specific part of God's creation. As a unit study approach we have been learning hands on about each topic. We hit on science, social studies, art, math and Bible. Each unit has a character trait to reinforce with the children. 

Our 2013-2014 curriculum:

Our core curriculum:

Tabitha and Amelia will be continuing My Father's World's Kindergarten Curriculum.

We will learn the following subjects:
Science, Social Studies, Math, Bible, Art, Music and Reading

Yes, Tabitha is technically 1st grade and Amelia has now moved up to Kindergarten. We are still using the Kindergarten level because we have been taking at least 2 weeks to move through each unit due to only having lessons 3 days a week. 

In addition to the math pages in MFW K:

Tabitha will be using Math Mammoth 1st Grade and A+ Tutorsoft 1st grade.

 photo lighblue_zps2ba8ce5b.jpg 

Amelia will be using Singapore Essentials Kindergarten A and B and Time4Learning

We will continue to work on the reading/phonics portion of MFW K with Amelia. She will also use Time4Learning for reading. Tabitha will continue to use the Abeka Readers I have. They also both spend at least 30 minutes a day reading alone or to each other from other books. 

We will continue with the handwriting sheets we used last year in the MFW K curriculum and the larger font letters I have been using for Hannah. Additionally we will be learning cursive this year with the Logic of English's The Rhythm of Handwriting.

Writing/Language Arts: 
Tabitha will be using two different books and Amelia will be joining in with the other. 

Tabitha: I am going to continue to use Joyce Herzog's Step Into Writing series with her during the afternoon. I want to continue to work on the copywork and dictation. 

Tabitha and Amelia will be working in WriteShop's Primary Book A, though I will be doing the majority of the actual writing as I don't want to overwhelm Tabitha. 

We will possibly be working on our Song School Spanish again. Additionally, we will be reviewing Flip Flop Learning's See It and Say It Flip Flop Spanish

And the girls will be able to use the Early Expert Spanish again online.

I am also going to try to do a better job using My Father's World Preschool Curriculum which contains lots of hands on fine motor skills activities. 

We will also use various random workbooks and printables. 

Hannah Toddler/Preschool
We will be using a letter of the Week approach as I did with Tabitha and Amelia. We will continue to go in the order of the My Father's World units. I will use ideas from 2009-2010 school yr and 2010-2011 school year. We will continue to make letter/sound books and our word/picture cards. 

We will also work on Fine Motor Skills with Montessori type activities. 

Home Economics (Or whatever you want to call it)
We will be continuing our Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen time and I will be posting the weekly linky for others to share kid-friendly recipes.

Stop back later this week for a look at our "school room."  I had hoped to have it up and ready, but we have had appointments and other running, so I am behind in getting ready for school.

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