Saturday, May 10, 2014

Five on Friday (Oops I Mean Saturday): May 10th, 2014

The Pebble Pond

There are funny things or cute things that will happen during the week that I would like to share, but they don't really make a post on their own. So, this is the perfect opportunity to share them.

1. Harold decided to show us how strong he thinks he is this past week. These are not real weights; they are accessories that hold the Wii controllers when doing exercises on the Wii Fit games. Though they are not real weights, they aren't the lightest things either. I just thought this was so cute.

2. We went to visit Uncle John and the cousins last week and Harold was having a blast trying to catch and pet the dog. He kept trying to give the dog the toy pig. Instead of throwing it so the dog could go fetch, he would keep chasing the dog to try to give her the toy. Then he just started carrying the silly pig around with him.

3. While we were having our gathering time on Monday, Tabitha decided to start writing the date in her little notebook she was given as a type of journal when she went to camp last year. I thought it was so sweet. And of course, Amelia decided to copy her sister, though she chose to write it out on a piece of computer paper.

4. After we came back from shopping the other day, Harold decided to make himself all sorts of comfy in one of the cardboard boxes. I actually posted one of these pictures on Facebook, stating " Went shopping today, look what we found. Decided to keep him."

5. We had one very upset boy the other day!

Seems he didn't like being told he couldn't play with the Learning Palettes we are reviewing. Poor kiddo.

1 comment:

  1. Aww poor thing not understanding about reviewing a product. Lessons in life can be hard.

    Happy Mother's Day!


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