Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sunday Photo Round Up- March 20, 2016 (a couple of days late)

It's time to share my photos from this week.

Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

Stairs, How You Feel Today, Flower, Green, Hair


We went to Albany last week and I snapped a couple of pictures of STAIRS. Wasn't sure which I liked best.

How You Feel Today

I feel surprised and happy. Surprised because I didn't know the hubby was planning on getting the children new outfits for Resurrection Sunday. Happy because they are so happy.


Finally found a FLOWER or two this past Sunday when we went to the nursing home with Venture Club to help lead the church service.


Found some GREEN moss on my walk at co-op last week.


I love the way her HAIR was being blown in the wind.

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges again this year. The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from March 13-19

The first ones are the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

The second set are from The Bethadilly Challenge.

The third challenge is the Schoolhouse Review Crew's Instagram challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. Their Easter clothes are precious! Hope you've had a meaningful Easter.


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